Data Protection Certification
Course Code:
7 hours
Data Protection Certification
Exams Included:
All major devices and browsers
Delivery method:
Online (In-house also available )
Data Protection Certification
A large organisation is likely to have a dedicated IT department that takes care of all technical aspects of the business, including its data protection. For smaller businesses, it doesn’t always make economic sense to have an in-house IT department, and often outsource, as required.
However, data protection requires ongoing management because, no matter what type of business you have, you are collecting, using and storing data all the time. It is important that there are people within the organisation who understand the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998.
This course provides the required learning, to ensure that your company complies with the DPA and collects, uses and manages data accordingly. It is completely up-to-date and includes the changes to the DPA that are coming in 2018.
What is Covered in the Course?
Your team members will study 5 modules that encompass all aspects of the Data Protection Act, as follows:
The purpose and 8 principles that govern the Data Protection Act;
The practical uses of the 8 principles in the Data Protection Act;
The role of the Information Commissioner’s Office;
The Register of Data Controllers and its purpose;
Definitions regarding personal and sensitive data;
The conditions regarding how information is used and shared;
Regulations and rules surrounding how data is shared within the European Economic Area and globally;
The rights of those whose data is shared and how those rights can be exercised;
How to respond to the requests of data subjects;
The practical uses of the Data Protection Act;
Things to consider, when making complaint procedures and policies;
What data security is and why it’s so important;
What constitutes a data breach and what should be done, in order to handle it;
The best ways in which to handle complaints;
Exceptions to the principles of the Data Protection Act;
Any changes to EU regulations and how they impact British organisations;
The potential impact of Brexit changes.
What are the Benefits of the Course?
Certification results in a comprehensive understanding of the provisions of the Data Protection Act and its application to a business;
The successful team member will be able to assess the company’s current compliance, identify improvements and implement changes, in accordance with future requirements;
Employees are able to flexibly complete the course, in their own time and on any internet-enabled device.
Course Modules/Lessons
Module 1 : Introduction and the 8 Principles of the Data Protection Act 1998
Module 2 : Information Commissioner’s Office, Registration and Enforcement
Module 3: The Definitions, Processing and Regulations Surrounding Personal Data
Module 4: Creating Policies and Dealing with Breaches and Complaints
Module 5: Subject Access Request Exemptions and the EU