Copywriting Masterclass Certification

Course Code:
2.25 hours
Copywriting Masterclass Certification
Exams Included:
All major devices and browsers
Delivery method:
Online (In-house also available )
Copywriting Masterclass Certification
The Copywriting Masterclass is absolutely essential to anyone looking to improve the way in which they communicate through words. Whether you’re looking to market your own brand more effectively, improve your skills in your job or become a copywriter, this course covers everything that you need.

This course provides a comprehensive guide to copywriting, including copy editing, SEO (search engine optimisation) copywriting, including keywords and meta data, as well as the different types of copywriting styles and jobs.

From how to capture your audience with creativity, to making use of the right tone, sealing the deal and getting your audience to react, this course covers everything you need to know about every element of copywriting.

You Will Learn:
Copywriting basics, including how to read a brief, copy editing and different copywriting jobs
How to capture your audience by understanding your target market
How to find the right tone and offer appropriate benefits for specific audiences
The art of sealing the deal by using offers, guarantees and calls to action
All about SEO (search engine optimisation) and how to master it
Benefits of Taking this Course:
You will increase business by using the right language to seal the deal
You will vastly improve the reach of the brand for which you are responsible
You will ensure that your writing is vibrant and effective for any industry
You will be able to expand your skill set to include copy editing and creative writing
You will increase your brand’s online presence by mastering SEO

Course Modules/Lessons
Module 01: Copywriting Basics
Module 02: Capturing Your Audience
Module 03: Sealing the Deal
Module 04: Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)



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