Dealing with Difficult People and Situations Certification

Course Code:
7 hours
Dealing with Difficult People and Situations Certification
Exams Included:
All major devices and browsers
Delivery method:
Online (In-house also available )
Handling Difficult People and Situations Certification
Any time that your business encounters a difficult person, there’s a cost. It costs you in terms of time that you spend having to deal with the situation and costs you in terms of the extra resources that you have to put into dealing with the situation.
Your staff may all have excellent interpersonal skills, but there are always the unexpected situations that test them. By understanding the reasons for difficult behaviour, an employee is better equipped to deal with difficult people.

This course teaches powerful interpersonal skills that enable your employee(s) to diffuse conflict situations, how to effectively communicate and how to meet the needs of difficult people, in line with your business’s needs and goals.

It is a useful course for any level of employee but will most benefit those on the customer-facing front line and team managers.

What’s Covered in the Course?
When you enrol a team member on this course, they will cover the following topics:

An understanding of human needs and how those needs influence behaviour;
How to effectively communicate, in order to reduce conflicts and reach a positive resolution;
Recognition of disruptive workplace behaviour and effective ways in which to deal with it, as it arises;
An understanding of the factors that get in the way of employees being productive and the factors that promote productivity;
Identification of the characteristics that are common to difficult people, so that they can be dealt with accordingly;
How to use effective solutions, in order to deal with difficult people, for the benefit of all involved;
The sources and causes of difficult behaviour, so that it can be recognised and worked through, as it arises;
How to recognise the most common personality traits of people who exhibit difficult behaviour and how to deal with them;
How to focus on the solution, as opposed to the problem, when interacting with difficult people or in difficult situations.
What are the Benefits of the Course?
Your employee will gain a number of benefits from this course, the main ones being:

With employees at all levels able to deal with difficult people and conflict resolution, managers are able to focus more time on productivity and efficiency;
The employee gains the knowledge and confidence with which to deal with difficult people and difficult situations;
Conflicts are quickly and efficiently resolved;
The employee’s interpersonal skills are improved;
The course is modular, can be studied at any time that suits the individual and can be studied online;
Indefinite access to the course enables refresher training in the future.

Course Modules/Lessons
Module 1: Developing an understanding of human behaviour
Module 2: Handling difficult people
Module 3: Dealing with difficult situations
Module 4: Interpersonal Skills for handling difficult People
Module 5: Personal Development



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