
Eye Safety in the Workplace Certification

Course Code:
3 hours
Eye Safety in the Workplace Certification
Exams Included:
All modern browsers and devices
Delivery method:
Online (In-house also available )
Eye Safety in the Workplace Certification
British laws require employers and companies to uphold safety regulations and safeguard their workers from injuries and accidents in the workplace. Eye accidents are very common in the workplace, but most can be prevented with the help of implementation of control measures, use of protective equipment and care. Most workers tend to be unaware of the risks associated with exposure to eye safety hazards and the adverse consequences that can arise. Eye injuries often result in permanent or temporary blindness with the loss of one or more eye functions.

The course on “Eye Safety in the Workplace” explains the following topics in detail:-
The importance of maintenance of protective equipment and control measures in order to minimise or eliminate risks and hazards.
How to protect workers from chemical splashes and what do in case of emergencies. You will also learn about how acidic and alkaline substances damage the eye in different ways.
Exposure to radiation hazards from thermal, infrared, UV and bright light sources and how to protect workers from the risks.
How staring at the computer for prolonged periods can lead to strain, headaches and blurred vision. You will also learn different techniques that help reduce eye strain.
The types of protective eye equipment and their functions
The benefits of studying this course are described below:-
You are in a better position to identify the different hazards that exist in your workplace.
Employers can invest in the right safety equipment to safeguard their employees from injury.
Businesses can upgrade prevention techniques, storage and maintenance of protective equipment for improved accident control.
You can educate and update your employees on the risks and hazards associated with eye injuries.

Course Modules/Lessons
Module 01: How and Why it is Important to Promote Eye Safety in the Workplace
Module 02: Chemical Splashes and Eye Injuries
Module 03: Eye Exposure to Thermal, Infrared, UV, Cryogenic and Laser Radiation
Module 04: Eye Protection from Flying Particles and Eye Strain Problems
Module 05: Control Measures and Types of Personal Protective (Eye) Equipment



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