Introduction to RIDDOR Certification

Course Code:
3 hours
Introduction to RIDDOR Certification
Exams Included:
All modern browsers and devices
Delivery method:
Online (In-house also available )
Introduction to RIDDOR Certification
Reporting accidents, injuries and occupational illness in the workplace allows organisations and authorities to learn how to identify and handle risks. Reports can inform future policy at both a local and national level.

In the UK, the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) decrees how and when people must report specified “reportable instances” to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and local government authorities. This course provides an overview of RIDDOR from both a theoretical and practical perspective.

You Will Learn
What RIDDOR is, its scope and the general criteria that determine whether an incident is reportable.
The types of injuries you must report under RIDDOR including burns, amputations and “over-seven-day” injuries
The occupational diseases and dangers you must report, including carpal tunnel syndrome, RSI and “near-misses”
Who should make a RIDDOR report, how to file a report and the time frame in which you must submit the report
Benefits of Taking This Course
If you are an employer, you will benefit from acquiring a background knowledge of RIDDOR because it covers all businesses and work activities
If you are responsible for health and safety-related matters at work, knowing the key points contained within RIDDOR will give you the confidence to judge whether an incident is reportable
If you are interested in occupational health, this course will give you a useful insight into how UK authorities investigate accidents, injuries and near-misses in the workplace
This course will help you complete timely, useful reports in the event that a reportable incident occurs in your workplace

Course Modules/Lessons
Module 1: What is RIDDOR?
Module 2: Reportable Injuries Under RIDDOR
Module 3: Reportable Occupational Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences
Module 4: Filing a Report Under Riddor



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