Python Certification Level 1

Course Code:
5.00 hours
Python Certification Level 1
Exams Included:
All major devices and browsers
Delivery method:
Online (In-house also available )
Python Certification Level 1
This course is going to teach you the fastest, easiest and most comprehensive experience in learning basic Python. For those interested in computer programming, the Python language is a great option particularly because of its extensive support libraries. Additionally, the program provides a lot of learning ease and support. Python was created in the early 90s to code with greater uniformity, but with more simplicity than Java. Considered to be a ‘fun’ language, Python can be an interesting program, particularly for those who are creative, as it offers many dynamic features. Software development companies prefer to work with the Python language because of its versatility. Let’s have a look at what this course will cover and what the many benefits are:

In this course, you will learn:
How to write a code in Python
Understand the Python Shell window and how to use it in ‘interactive’ mode
The various functionalities
How to write a formal program using IDLE
The benefit of documentation and why it is vital to do so when coding
How to use the editing platform’s guidelines when writing a program
How to print using every form of data
About additional editing features such as indenting a region
Understand the various variables and how the Python language uses them
More escape functions (n, t) used for formatting strings
About ‘if’ statements or conditionals to determine program flow
About Python logical operators and how they work together with variables to complete and solve expressions
About four loops and nested loops and the differences in their functionality
About complex data structures and tuples
How to use python
Course Benefits:
Python gives you access to the vast random library
Practise writing code by creating strings
Understand time and calendar functions within Python and how to apply them
Understand how Python works with HTML form and why this is so important
You can utilise productivity and speed time
It provides third party modules

Course Modules/Lessons
Module 02: Using the Shell Window
Module 03: Writing Code in the Editor Window
Module 04: Executing Python on the Command Line
Module 05: Output – Section Introduction
Module 06: The Print () Function
Module 07: Separators and New Lines
Module 08: Variables – Section Introduction
Module 09: Variable Assignment
Module 10: Number Variables – Int, Float & Complex
Module 11: String Variables
Module 12: Substrings & Concatenation
Module 13: Variables with Lists, Tuples & Dictionaries
Module 14: Operators – Section Introduction
Module 15: Mathematical Operators
Module 16: Order of Operations
Module 17: Comparison Operators
Module 18: Logical Operators
Module 19: Code Branching – Section Introduction
Module 20: Simple If Statements
Module 21: If… Else Statements
Module 22: Nested If Statements
Module 23: Ternary Operator
Module 24: Loops – Section Introduction
Module 25: While Loops
Module 26: For Loops
Module 27: Nested Loops
Module 28: Break & Continue Statements
Module 29: Math Functions – Section Introduction
Module 30: Casting Functions
Module 31: Mathematical Functions
Module 32: Random Functions
Module 33: String Functions – Section Introduction
Module 34: A Look at Strings for – capitalise(), center() and count()
Module 35: A look at Strings for – find(), isalpha() and isdigit()
Module 36: A Look at Strings for – join(), len() and split()
Module 37: Tuples & Dictionaries – Section Introduction
Module 38: Creating Tuples
Module 39: Accessing Values in Tuples
Module 40: Lists & Tuple Functions
Module 41: Declaring a Dictionary
Module 42: Accessing & Editing Values in Dictionaries
Module 43: Dictionary Functions
Module 44: Time & Date – Section Introduction
Module 45: The Time Tuple
Module 46: The Calendar
Module 47: Time & Calendar Functions
Module 48: Custom Python Functions – Section Introduction
Module 49: Defining & Calling a Simple Function
Module 50: Required Argument Functions
Module 51: Keyword Argument Functions
Module 52: Default Function Arguments
Module 53: Return Statement
Module 54: Creating & Consuming Python Modules
Module 55: Input/Output – Section Introduction
Module 56: Reading Keyboard Inputs
Module 57: Reading an External Text File
Module 58: Writing an External Text File
Module 59: More with Python – Section Introduction
Module 60: Handling Exceptions
Module 61: Web Server Coding
Module 62: Processing from Data in Python
Module 63: Conclusion



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