Sage 50 Certification Level 1-3

Course Code:
40 hours
Sage 50 Certification Level 1-3
Exams Included:
All major devices and browsers
Delivery method:
Online (In-house also available )
Sage 50 Certification Level 1-3
Are you looking to upgrade your payroll staff or maybe just your accounting system? The Sage 50 software is used throughout the UK and can make accounting practices within your business easier and more efficient.

This programme offers the complete training programme, from beginner level to advanced level, making this a great opportunity to advance staff in the accounts department.

Each level offers 10 modules that become more challenging and build on previous knowledge, as the course progresses.

There’s no better time to enrol or provide this training to a member of your staff.

What’s Covered in the Course?
This certification programme is broken down into three levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced.

Each level offers so much content, which you can see below:

Level 1: Beginner
Accounting basics and financial management using the Sage 50 software;
Background information to and the history of Sage 50, including the advantages of adopting this software;
The formats and features of Sage 50, such as how you can improve your accounting and financial management;
The installation and set-up of the software, as well as how to restore back-up files, so you’ll never lose crucial data again;
How to navigate through the Sage 50 software, including how to print reports;
An overview of the chart of accounts, which will allow employees to grasp important terminology and create and/or modify these documents;
Bank records and reconciliation, so you’ll always have accurate records of your accounts;
The creation and maintenance of petty cash, supplier and customer records;
Creating and managing sales invoices and receipts and the differences between them.
Level 2: Intermediate:
Learn the basics of accruals and prepayments, including month end reports and setting up prepayments;
How to set up fixed assets and calculate depreciation values, including how to use an Asset Disposal Wizard, fixing inaccuracies and the management of customer and supplier information;
Processing purchase orders, stock control and monitoring, including how to create, amend and delete orders and how to look up past orders, while maintaining stock levels;
How to set product pricing, build a price list and calculate customer discounts and credits;
The complete sales order process, such as despatching an order, allocating stock and creating an audit trail.
Level 3: Advanced
The importance of credit control and how to implement control procedures, including viewing customer history and aged balances and flagging transaction disputes;
How to manage VAT, including returns, changing payment systems and clearing accounts;
An overview of using foreign currencies, such as trading, conversion, dealing with foreign suppliers and/or customers, bank transfers and accessing transactions and invoices;
Project management, including assigning costs and the management of resources, recording costs, allocating and reconciling stocks and billing customers;
Generating project reports and creating trial balances and profit/loss statements.
What are the Benefits of the Course?
Here are the benefits of taking the course:

You get all 6 Sage 50 courses in one easy-to-follow package – great for beginners and those with an existing foundational knowledge;
Staff can learn from the comfort of their home or while at the office, and the course is able to accommodate their individual learning pace;
The content can be applied as they learn, so they don’t have to wait until all three levels have been completed, before putting their learning into practice;
No prerequisites are required for you or your staff, in order to get started.



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