
Disability is the forgotten sibling of any progressive social movement. Disability is always last in line for political and media attention and deserves better as a talented, multi-diverse, and progressive community bordering on 14 million people. The exact same can be said for the countries carers. Parents, children, and indeed disabled people who, through political disdain, have no choice but to care for each other, are left wanting and divided as the country moves on without them. Both communities are apart, yet share so much in common that they deserve to be united and amplified. They share a will, a thirst to progress mass inclusion and action. George Baker, a passionate humanitarian wheelchair user decided that he was to be the forward-thinking individual to unite both camps not under a charity, but a union. 

The Disability Union is a newborn, albeit one thats’ growth rate is currently outdoing that of any other newborn. The union has begun the process of uniting the disabled and care community under one banner and the message is spreading exponentially. Georges’s mantra for this project is “To build a truly inclusive world. We believe that inclusion is a human right, which is why we work day in, day out to protect and enhance the lives of disabled people and carers across the United Kingdom.” This protection and enhancement takes the form of members accessing services such as Legal consultation, housing, and emotional support, careworkers, and benefits guidance. The vision of this groundbreaking project is widening too as new staff additions of disabled people and carers join the team, highlighting injustices across the media, looking to open debates and engage with the changemakers, not being afraid to tell them when they are wrong, not being afraid to stand up and poke ignorance in the chest.

A new monthly magazine is also on the horizon, again with viewpoints and stories from the communities involved. Writers are encouraged to tell their stories regardless of experience, it’s the stories that matter, not the grammar, not the degrees. Simpy the union is run for and by both communities, uniting and working through lived experience to amplify and rightly ask for equality in a society that is still seeing both through a prism of centuries-old stereotypes. Fees are affordable, the numbers are growing and members are encouraged and supported to speak up, with the union standing right behind them.

Inclusion is not a delusion, rights are for all, the union simply wants an equal social and human footing in a world that needs to let go of its ignorance around what makes a human. Join us today, we are stronger together. 

https://disabilityunion.co.uk/ @DUnionUK

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